What Food and Drinks Can You Enjoy on Trains in Austin, Texas?

Discover what food and drinks you can enjoy on trains in Austin, Texas. From vegan dishes to beer, wine and spirits, find something to satisfy your cravings.

What Food and Drinks Can You Enjoy on Trains in Austin, Texas?

Are you planning a trip on a train in Austin, Texas? If so, you'll be delighted to know that there's a wide variety of food and drinks available. From vegan dishes to beer, wine and spirits, you can find something to satisfy your cravings. Kids can also enjoy their favorite meals on board. Amtrak menus are updated regularly, so you can always find something new to try.

The food served is tasty and of good quality, with signature dishes like coarse-cut Texas French toast and 8-ounce grilled steak. There are also vegetarian and gluten-free options, as well as healthier choices. With dinner, you can enjoy a complimentary alcoholic drink, and additional beverages are available à la carte. Kosher and vegan meals can be requested at least 72 hours in advance.

You can check sample menus for each train on the Amtrak website. If you'd rather eat something at the departure station than at the cafeteria, there are usually more options in a food court. You can take food to the train to eat in your seat or in one of the Sightseer rooms if the train offers one. Don't forget to bring your medications with you as you won't have access to your checked luggage or vehicle during the trip. Long-distance train trips also include a traditional dining car, a restaurant on wheels.

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